Monday, April 7, 2008

Blooming Delicious

One of my clients Donna called me up the other day to ask if I could come to her house and photograph some chocolates she was making, apparently Donna has just started a small home based business making Chocolate Bouquets. I had a mental picture of what I thought these would look like, but nothing like what they were really like. Donna makes the chocolates and then paints each one by hand which takes hours and hours of work.

Her house smelt like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, (or at least what I thought it might smell like since I haven't actually been to Willy Wonka's) but I can say that the temptation was too great for me today as it was supposed to be my second day of a 2 week "no sugar" health kick. Well, I can start that again tomorrow!

In the mean time here is a little blog header that I whipped up for Donna in my digital kitchen tonight. LOL.


1 comment:


wow those are so awesome!!!


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