What I remember most about Penny and Ross's Wedding is that it was a gorgeous wedding on Sydney Harbour, the other bridesmaids and I had a blast making jokes and being a tad rude in the cars on the way to the ceremony and that the photographer spent a lot of time flirting with me. I can not believe that day was 10 years ago, I'd like to know where the time has gone. For Penny and Ross they moved to Melbourne, had 3 beautiful children, and enjoyed their professional working life - Ross as a Pilot and Penny as "a hostie with the mostie" LOL.
As they were in Sydney visiting family and then going to the exact hotel where Ross proposed to Penny in the Blue Mountains I asked them if they would like to have a romantic photo shoot as my gift to them for their special anniversary. They loved the idea. Today we set out for our shoot with the two of them feeling quite nervous, which I thought was funny as they have known me for so long - how could they possibly be nervous around me! Anyway, I managed to lighten the mood some what when I walked backwards when composing the first shot, tripped over a rock and landed on my camera and new shootsac! My leg was hurting like hell but all I could think about was my camera and lenses. Thankfully when the camera landed under my body the lens hood took the brunt of the impact forcing it off before it could damage the lens, and the Shootsac managed to save the lives of my precious lenses (thank you Jessica Claire!) Ok, so you non photographers won't get that last bit. LOL. Although I was bleeding and felt like an idot I continued on. Ross, being the son of not one, but two Doctors was worried for my welfare when he noticed the red stuff oozing out of my leg, reaches into his pocket and pulls out 2 "Band Aids". How random is that? Who carries around "Band Aids" in their Jeans to a photo shoot? Of course - the son of 2 Doctors! LMAO! He patched me up and we continued with the shoot.
These are the photos that I love of my dear friends Penny and Ross. Hugs xxx
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