Little Zoey was just over 2 years old when she joined their family, she didn't talk and she never smiled, and although most people would say that Robyn and Trevor are very lucky to have such a special little girl the truth is that Zoey is lucky to have Robyn and Trevor as her parents. This little girl has come so far in the last 9 months, she talks very well, she sings, she smiles and she laughs and that is because of her new family environment. Her life has been saved by 2 amazingly kind, caring and loving people. I am so blessed to have been a part of their life story. I wish them the most amazing life together!
Every couple of photos Zoey would race over to look at the photos on the LCD "I look?" she'd say
Zoey does her best "teapot" impersonation
Wow! I love the photo of Zoe rushing towards the camera with the loving parents in the background. Just beautiful. Nice work. Came to the site to see Miss Maya's pics-so sweet! Jeannette (ps not sure what to so for identity? so just chose anonymous -dont mind if you use my name)
cute! i love how you used the chair.
I work with Robyn and was privaledged enough for her to show me this link - OMG - amazing!!!!
What's most special is can see the love you her parents have for her and vice versa in the pics - that's not often captured.
Also love how not afraid of using colourful prints - so often get have heard only wear plain b&w outfits etc - this looks so much better.
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